Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MUSICIANS- Do you enjoy your practice time? Can you get yourself to practice regularly?

Maybe this will help someone who reads it, so I will take the time to post it. Just 15 minutes a day...every day...and you'll be practicing almost 2 hours a week. Because once you REALLY have a habit of doing it every day....You have a habit to build on. At that point, your playing time can increase or you could focus in on more items to work on.

YEs fifteen minutes. yes its not alot of time...yes it will be build an everyday habit. It is SIMPLE but because its so easy it will work. Think long term if you don't a steady practice goin righ tnow or you don't have lots of time to put into it right now. Take small bites. Choose an area or two to work with so you can measure your progress..this builds more momentum and you might practice longer in time.You'll start seeing results. Sometimes taking too big of bites is self defeating. Big goals are good but get there in increments.

Set a goal, "I Want to learn all of Blackbird" for ex. And then do it in a month or two who cares. IN 2 months you'll have that whole song done. THat would feel good right? OR maybe its something harder than that..whatever, you get my point.A question I want to ask you is this...Are you enjoying practice? YOU might say...I do...I do..I just dont have time to do it.If your saying I do , I do...but your not.There is something going on.Ok let me put it this way..If there was tall lean sexy super model in your bed...You'd be making to time for him/her correct? OK so your wife/husband etc might not like that analogy...say there was a Harley Davidson or Mercedes Benz with your name on it purring outside your door right now...would you go take a ride or spend some time learning how to? Sure you would.

YOU never said you didn't enjoy practicing but you know what? I always find time to do what brings me pleasure. Most of us find 3 hours a week for football or some other interest because we enjoy it. IF your not practicing its because practice somehow became something that doesn't provide enough pleasure for you to prioritize it as important enough to do on a daily basis. Maybe it isnt worth it at this point. No big deal. Practice when you can and don't worry about it. But if you have read this far it sounds like you would like to get better at it...so you do care...but something isn't quite lining up?

Maybe on some level it provides displeasure. I work with hundreds of students....I see some poeple drive themselves crazy with what could be a really great experience. DO you beat yourself about what you cant play?DO you not finish any song completely or get stuck on a hard part and not know how to move beyond it? Keep it enjoyable and you might want to do it more. Maybe your approach is all work no play? Play! It's fun it is a party!! Go easy on yourself its only Ozzie Ozbourne or John Coltrane. Just people and an instrument they enjoy. If it isnt fun..really why bother kiling yourself to do it. Best of luck to you. Make the time, its worth it if you really want to do it.

Written By Andrew Boyd
Feel free to check out more music and words @

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